Friday, December 6, 2019
Perseverance Is a Key to Success free essay sample
Present Perfect, Past Tenses review Level: intermediate, upper-intermediate CD track 1 Teachers notes 1 . Beforehand, write on the board: angel, miracle, fear, light, to make it through, boy, soul, to shed a tear, to hold on. Tell the students that they are going to listen to a song called A New Day Has Come The words on the board were taken from It. Be sure that your students understand them. Offer your group to predict this song Is about. 2. Play the song and then check the general understanding. 3. Give out the worksheets.Let the students read and ask for the meaning of unknown words. Play the song again and do the first task. Students check their answers with their partners and then the pairs discuss them in an open group. 4. Do ex. 2. 5. Tell your students that the changes between then and now are also implicated Into the tenses. Ask them what tenses are used In lines 6- 13 (Past Simple and Past Continuous). First, compare them to the lines 24 27 (Past Simple vs. Present Simple). Then pay attention to the lines 14 23 (Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect). Why has the things changed so dramatically?Because a new day has come, the girl has met a boy she loves All the changes referring to the very moment in present are expressed with a help of The Present Perfect Tense. Elicit / explain the meaning and usage of this tense. Ask your students to find one more example of It (Vive been touched. __ Present Perfect Passive). Lyrics and answers A new day has come I was waiting for so long For a miracle to come Everyone told me to be strong Hold on and dont shed a tear Through the darkness and good times I knew Id make it through And the world thought I had it all But I was waiting for you Chorus: Hush, nowI see a light in the sky Oh, its almost blinding me I cant believe Ive been touched by an angel with love and wash away my tears Let It fill my soul and drown my fears Let It shatter the walls for a new sun Let the rain come down Where there was dark now theres light Where there was pain now theres Joy Where there was weakness I found my strength All in the eyes off boy Chorus. Let the rain come down and wash away my tears Let it fill my soul and drown my fears Let it shatter the walls for a new sun Repeat the chorus and fade Ex. 2. Then now, dark light, weakness strength, pain Joy 1. Read the text. There are five wrong words in it. Listen and correct them. A new day has come Everyone told me to be weak Hold on and dont shed a tear Through the darkness and bad times I see a light in the night Where there was weakness I lost my strength All in the heart off boy 2. Find the opposites in the text. Then dark weakness pain BUS STOP by THE HOLLIES repatriate: concocts adaptable;19 inappropriate pamper;1: homophone would CD track 2 1. Bring a picture of an umbrella. Ask your students to make some short stories about this object. After listening to some stories ask if an umbrella can be involved in love story. . Give out the worksheets. Students should match the words from the ex. 1. 3. Explain that these words were taken from a song called Bus Stop. You may show a picture of an English bus stop (of an old one is more preferable). Ask students to guess how could they be Joined together. What is this song about? 4. Play the song. Let the students check their ideas. 5. Ask some questions. Is their romance over? No, it isnt. Someday my name and hers are going to be the same. How did it all begin? Because of what? An umbrella. So, he remembers how it all began. What verb forms are used?Give some examples. Is refrain about the past or the future? Mostly about the past (except for the last line). 5. Ask your students which word is omitted twice. Play the song and let them write in the word would. Point that shed shop = she would shop 6. Explain / elicit the usage of would for the past habits. Lyrics and answers EX. 1. If, ad, AAA, b, Bus stop, wet day, shes there I say Please share my umbrella Bus stop, bus go, she stays love grows Under my umbrella All that summer we enjoyed it Wind and rain and shine That umbrella we employed it By August she was mine {Refrain}Every morning I would see her waiting at the stop Sometimes shed shop and she would show me what she bought All the people stared as if we were both quite insane Someday my name and hers are going to be the same Silly, but its true Thinking of a sweet romance Beginning in a queue Came the sun, the ice was melting No more sheltering, now Nice to think that that umbrella Led me to a vow Repeat the 1st verse 1. Match the words. 1) shelter 2) insane 3) romance a) love b) line c) look very attentively 4) queue d) crazy 5) stare 6) vow e) serious promise (e. G. Ring the wedding) f) protected place ) umbrella g) a thing protecting you against rain or hot sun 2. Listen again. What word is omitted twice? Every morning I see her waiting at the stop Sometimes shed shop and she show me what she bought All the people stared as if we were both quite insane Thats the way the whole thing started EL CONDOR PASS (IF I COULD) by SIMON AND GUARANTEE repatriate: hackneyed Level: intermediate flaxen: anopheles basketball, tablecloth CD track 3 1 . Tell the students that they are going to listen to a song based on a (Peruvian) melody called El Condor Pass (Flight Of The Condor). Ask them to write out more nature words (animals, places, objects) while listening. Play the song. Possible answers: sparrow, snail, swan, ground, forest, the earth 2. Now, let them practice ex. 1. Check the answers. 3. Do ex. 2. Play the song again. 4. Tell the group that this piece has another English name, which is not a literal translation. Ask them to guess it (If I Could). 5. Ask a question (it might be written on the board), If you could chose how would you rather call it? Would you remain this name or give another one? While answering elicit the structure (If I could chose) Id rather call it / I would call it Oh may also write it as a prompt). 6. Follow up. Explain to the students a construction of the lyrics. And ask them to write their own text using opposites and Id rather structure. Lyrics and answers Ex. 1. 1) nail, 2) forest, 3) hammer, 4) sparrow, 5) snail, 6) street Ex. 2. Forest street, sparrow snail, hammer nail. Ex. 3. Id rather be a sparrows than a snails Yes I would, if I could, I surely would Id rather be a hammer than a anima Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would Away, Id rather sail away Like a swan thats here and gone A man gets tied up to the groundHe gives the world its saddest sound Its saddest sound Id rather feel the earth beneath my feet 1 . Write the words from the box. [pick] a) [pick] [pick] [pick] [pick] [pick] b) d) c) f) 2. Match the words which are thought to be the opposites. Forest sparrow nail hammer street 3. Put the words for ex. 1 into this text. Listen and check. Id rather be a snail than a 2 Id rather be a 3 than a 4 5 than a 6 4. Think of some opposites and try to write a similar poem using Id rather / If I could / I would. HOUSE by ELTON JOHN reformative next: this that (is), these those (are); crappy a place where Level: Husbandman CD track 4 1 .Bring a picture of a house (room). Refresh the usage of this that, these those by showing and naming the objects. 2. Tell your students to concentrate on the beginnings of the lines and fill in the gaps marked with letters with proper pronouns. Play the song. Check the answers. 3. Tell your students to concentrate on the endings of the lines and fill in the gaps marked with numbers with the words given. Play the song. First let the students check their answers with their partners. Then check. 4. Then let your students practice in showing and naming some objects sing the structure This is a / That is a / These are the / Those are the 5.Follow up. Pair / Group work. One student thinks of an object and describes it using where. This is a room (place, thing) where I (eat, sleep, relax). The second student should guess it. 6. You may also elicit the difference between It belongs to me and They belong to me. Lyrics and answers This is my housel This is where I live That is the winter Those are the trees I can hear them breathe This is my bed This is where I sleeps That was the dark Those are my dreams they belong to me This is my floor This is where I lie This is a square room That was a bright light Theses are not my eyes What is my soul?Where is my tired heart? Tab is the question Where is the answer? Inside my house And I sit by the windows And I wish I was rain I want to fall from the sky Cause this is my houses It belongs to me Inside my head Its all thats left This is my house This is my bed This is where I sleep That was the dark Those are my dreams They belong to me This is my house Yeah this is my house 1. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with letters in the beginning of the lines. Write this, that, these or those. 2. Listen to the song one more time and fill in the gaps with numbers in the endings of the lines.Write the words from the box. This is my This is where I Those are the 3 5 This is a square 7 a are not my eyes b is the question And I sit by the 8 I want to get wet all over the rain Cause this is my 9 c my house d my bed e was the dark f are my dreams LAZING ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON by QUEEN repatriate: Future forms (Simple and Continuous), article the, prepositions fletched: phrasal verbs Level: intermediate CD track 5 1 . Write out and pre-teach / refresh the words and phrases: honeymoon, bound o be proposal, ordinary guy. 2.Ask your students the following questions. The song is called Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon. Why do you think lazing? What do ordinary people do during the week? 3. Now ask the students to listen to the song and say if the character is an ordinary guy Why (not)? 4. Do the worksheet tasks. Lyrics and answers I go out to work on a Monday morning Tuesday I go off to honeymoon Ill be back again before its time for Sunny-down, Ill be lazing on a Sunday afternoon Bicycling on every Wednesday evening Thursday I go waltzing to the ZooFridays I go painting in the Louvre Im bound to be proposing on a Saturday night (There he goes again) Ill be lazing on a Sunday lazing on a Sunday lazing on a Sunday afternoon. 1) Be back 2) go out) go off 4) come from 1. Fill in the gaps. I go out to work a Monday morning be back again before its time for Sunny-down, be lazing a Sunday afternoon Bicycling _ every Wednesday evening Thursday I go waltzing to Zoo I come from London town, l_Just an ordinary guy, Fridays I go painting in Louvre Im bound to be proposing a Saturday night (There he goes agai n) l lazing a Sunday afternoon.
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